DREAMING is just the beginning.
Keep inspired.


Your wedding will be amazing. Your memories too. I’m happy documenting love stories. After all, is there something more beautiful to photograph?


Wedding Photographer in Europe

Wedding in Costa Brava, Spain

Wedding in a mediterranean style in Costa Brava, Spain

Humanist wedding in Krakow, Poland

Beautiful humanist wedding near Krakow, Poland

Wedding Photography in Barcelona, Spain

Lovely elopement wedding in Barcelona, Spain

Indian Wedding in Krakow, Poland

Colourful indian wedding in Europe

Destination Wedding in Italy

Destination Wedding in Cinque Terre, Italy

Garden Wedding in Warsaw, Poland

Wedding photographer in Warsaw, Poland

Rustic Wedding in Spain

Wedding photography in Spain, Europe.

Wedding and reception near Krakow, Poland

Wedding venues near Krakow, Poland.

Wedding in France, Chateâu de La Trye

Wedding in France, near Paris. Chateâu de La Trye.

“Most of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred…”

Mark Twain – The adventures of Tom Sawyer

fotografo de bodas barcelona

A experienced photographer for your wedding in Europe.

My name is Felix de Vega, I am an international wedding photographer currently living in Warsaw, Poland. If you are organizing your wedding and are looking for a professional photographer for your wedding, I will be happy to make beautiful photos of your wedding.  I would love to learn more about your wedding and create beautiful memories for you and your family.

I offer high-quality photography services, beautiful wedding photos, in a modern and romantic style. I have extensive experience in photographing the most beautiful weddings in Spain, Italy, France, Malta, Poland, and other european countries.

I am available to photograph your wedding in Europe.

I also have extensive experience in photographing international weddings of mixed couples from different nationalities, as well as photographing weddings in various styles, such as humanist weddings, glamorous weddings, luxury weddings and classic style weddings.
Working as a wedding photographer in Europe is not only interesting for me, but also extremely satisfying, I help couples preserve their most beautiful memories. 

Europe is full of picturesque places perfect for weddings, such as romantic castles in France, charming vineyards in Italy, historic palaces in Poland, or magical beaches in Spain. Working as a wedding photographer in such settings is every photographer’s dream.

Photographing weddings in Europe allows me to develop my skills and adapt to different conditions. Organizing photo sessions in beautiful European locations offers plenty of creative opportunities.



Wedding Photography in Europe

Here you will find information and photos from weddings in Spain, Poland, Italy and other countries in Europe as well as practical information about the most popular wedding styles and wedding venues where you can celebrate your wedding.

Wedding photography in Poland

Wedding photographer in Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk and other cities in Poland. 

The most popular wedding styles

Wedding photography in every style. From humanist style weddings, through modern style weddings, through glamor style weddings and classic style weddings

The best Wedding Venues

Wedding photography in the most interesting wedding halls with tips for the bride and groom and sample wedding photos.

International Weddings

Wedding photography for couples of different nationalities, Polish-Brazilian, Polish-Spanish, Polish-Indian and other weddings

Weddings in Europe

Your dream wedding abroad, wedding photography in Europe, weddings in Spain, Italy, France, Malta and wherever you imagine your beautiful wedding, which can be an intimate wedding only for your loved ones in an unforgettable setting.

Book your wedding photographer in Europe

We Create the
Best Memories

Book  your wedding photographer in Europe